Jumat, 31 Desember 2010


Environment Definition
      Before we discuss about the quality of the environment, more specifically, it helps advance our understanding memehami environment. According to Otto Soemarwoto, environment or the environment is surrounding all things that affect organisms living organisms concerned
      In Law - Law of Indonesia number 23 of 1997 on ketentuen - managing principal provisions of the Environment stated that the environment is a unity with all things space, power, circumstances, and living things, including the inside man, and behavior memegaruhi continuity of human life and welfare as well as being other life. Based on the above descriptions, can be summed environment are all things (objects, conditions, and circumstances) surrounding living things, which affect the life (nature, growth, and distribution) relevant beings.
      So, what is the purpose of human living environment? Human environment is everything from the air, hinga objects - a distance of celestial bodies hundreds of millions kilometerdari planet that affect human life on earth. Similarly, the man himself. Humans, both groups became individumaupun environment for individuals atai other groups.

Brief character
Nabie Makarim, Dipl.Eng.Chem, MSM, MPA is one of peninta environment. He has served as environment minister in the Cabinet Mutual Aid from 2001 to 2004. Before nenjabat as environment minister, he had become assistant secretary of the environment and was assigned to form a body that oversees the environment, the Environmental Impact Management Agency (BAPEDAL). One of his thoughts about the environment is a more democratic system of environmental importance.

Column Geography
Biotic environment interactions with abiotic environment to form ecosystems. For example, coastal ecosystems, ecosystem garden or meadow ecosystem.

Types and Classification of Environmental

       In general, the environment can be divided into biotic environment (the environment) and environmental abiotic (nonliving environment). In relation, because humans are makhlukhidup, then of course people belonging to the biotic element. If humans become the center of study, then the environment can be divided into the natural environment (natural environment), social environment (social environment), and the cultural environment (cultural environment).
       Based on the above environmental groupings and to help us understand the problem - further environmental problems, the grouping can be done to the biotic environment, abiotic neighborhood, and socio-cultural environment.
        Biotic environment is the environment of all living things ranging from the smallest microorganisms such as bacteria or animals or growing hinga - the largest plants that surround us and affect our lives.
        Abiotic environment are all conditions that do not live or not a living organism that surround living creatures. Environmental abiotic including rocks, soil, minerals, air and gas - the other gases, water, solar energy, as well as process and power in these abiotic hasilkannya.Lingkungan actually could include objects, elements, phenomena or processes both in the earth, on the surface of the earth and in space that affect life on earth.
        Social environment is a human being individually, in individuals and groups who are outside of us as family, friends, the tetengga, people in the neighborhood to international human who changes and developments affecting our lives. The cultural environment of any conditions or circumstances in the form of material (object) and not objects produced by humans through the creation or creativity, which affects the growth and development of human life. Cultural environments include buildings, equipment, weapons, clothing, and various objects of human creation. Cultural environment can also be custom, customs, values, norms, laws, arts, economic systems, and the political system or government.
In daily life - the day, every social elements (individual, group, community or nation) has an element - the element in the culture as described above. Haya course, the elements are embedded or have any social elements are not equal. When a person, group, or community or nation to each other with each other, there will be interaction and mutual influence. Thus, socio-cultural environment is another individual families, groups, communities or other nations, who memegaruhi way of life and our lives.
In broad outline, the third component is the summary into two parts, namely bio-geofisikal components (natural environment) and social environmental components into the core culture of human relationships and the environment (the relationship of human behavior and the built environment). Between the components of bio-geofisikal environmental and socio-cultural environment interactions and the intertwined relationship of interdependence (mutual dependence).
In the interaction between humans and the environment, humans perform selection and adaptation. Selection, in human relations and the environment is how people choose a location for residential or other businesses in meeting their needs. The adaptation of human and environmental relationships of how human nature menyesuaikandiri environment to maintain or improve their lives.

Environment kulitas
How environmental conditions of human life on earth today? Environmental quality of human life is physically present is very alarming indeed. Various forms of natural disaster after another hit. Floods in the rainy season, landslides, loss if the layers of soil (top soil), a very serious drought in summer, pollution (both air, water, soil, or sound), especially in cities - cities besa, depletion of tropical rain forest area, increasing global temperature, ozone layer depletion, the spread of critical land, decline in ground water, and waste problems become part of our daily lives - today.

Socio-economic conditions and the current culture of Indonesia also affect environmental quality. Prolonged monetary crisis that hit Indonesia since 1998 to make social and cultural conditions of the Indonesian nation increasingly alarming. High levels of crime, poverty, and violence, and the level of corruption in Indonesia is part of the indicators of environmental quality low socio-economic-cultural nation.
Source of a very large problem and needs to be addressed immediately is the result of the growing number of residents. The greater the population, the greater the purposes of fulfilling the demands of life such as food, clothing, shelter, health services, education services, employment, and security. Development of science and technology in industrial growth accompanied by a large - scale to meet the human needs of an increasing number of large, caused a decline in the quality of human environment earlier. Humans forget that the carrying capacity of the earth to give life is limited.
Quality of the environment today is already approaching a critical point. The critical current at the point because of two major forces mutually supportive and mutually reinforcing, ie:
1. population growth is not limited to the limited carrying capacity to accommodate waste memghidupinya and life results;
2. technology is not limited to the accompaniment of a human being to dominate the natural environment and spend.
Therefore, in order to get out of the crisis that threatens the planet's life systems of this earth, population growth must be regulated. In addition, human attitudes tend not responsible for and exploit natural memdominasi for the enjoyment and ease of our lives need to change.

Column Geography
Environmental damage can be caused by two factors namely natural events and human activities. Natural events that can cause environmental damage such as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and earthquakes. Human activities can cause environmental damage such as the exploration of natural resources, activities
domestic, and industrial.

According to the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), sustainable development (development suptainable) is the construction or development to meet the needs of the present, without compromising the needs of future generations. One of the challenges to achieving sustainable development is how to repair damage to the environment without sacrificing economic interests and social justice.
Other sustainable development challenges is to determine ways to improve the well-being while using natural resources wisely, so that natural resources can be updated can be protected and use of natural resources that can be discharged (non-renewable) at a level where the needs of future generations will still be fulfilled. Therefore, the sustainable development of the three pillars known utamayang interrelated with each other, namely economic, social, and environmental.


The environment (especially nature) is the object for the fulfillment of human needs. None of the people in the world needs iniyang not depend on the environment. At the beginning of life, human beings with their environment in order menyusuaikan survive. Keserasisn and the balance applied at the time. Human environmentally friendly, because people live with their environment.
But then, little by little started to changed environment to suit human needs. Even at the present, urgency to meet the needs (and wants) to make people more incentive to use (exploit) the environment. The principle of harmony and balance is becoming obsolete. Humans forget or do not care that the environment will not be exploited forever provide human needs konsta
In the present and future, who is most affected by environmental damage? Surely humans. Humans can not breathe fresh air again due to air pollution. Humans can not drink or use clean water again because of polluted industrial waste. Human beings can no longer reap the rewards of the trees having been felled by the man himself, as well as rare animals began as humans continue to be hunted.
How to use a good environment to be enjoyed on - again and again until kegenerasi the future? Some ways you can do the following sebai.
1. Use enough water. Use is limited to things - things which are important
         only, such as for drinking, bathing, and washing. Use of water must also be efficient.
         Sought wherever possible there is no water wasted. This
         intended to maintain water supplies remain sufficient in the dry season and
         save the cost of water (if using an electric or PDAM)
2. Cutting of trees in a responsible manner, not arbitrarily - stared.
         Although penebamgan tree is closely related to economic needs and

businesses, need to balance dipertimbangan principle. Logging is carried out not
         damage the surrounding environment, so that the possibility of disaster
         nature because of logging - amount (such as floods and landslides) can
3. Perform daily activities - day can pollute the environment such as water, air, and soil. Examples include water pollution, waste water used in washing and waste into the rivers. Examples include air pollution, waste motor vehicles kenalpot smoke that did not pass emissions and waste gas from concentrated industridan household activities. Examples of land pollution include the provision of substances that damage the soil through fertilizers and insecticides as well as waste material that can not decompose in the ground like plastic.
4. Utilize animals as needed and not to kill or hunt for
         reasons that are not important. Apalagidengan using a tool or weapon
        can damage the surrounding environment ecosystem. Example use of animals
          can damage the ecosystem in the surrounding environment is to take
          fish in the sea by using poisons or explosives.
In addition to the use (exploitation) with a good environment and responsible, we also need to do business - the preservation efforts for generations to come can still enjoy the environment that we enjoy today. As some environmental conservation efforts that can be done is as follows.
1. To save money on all existing resources, whether water, soil, growing - plants, and animals.
2. Using environmentally friendly technologies.
3. Improvement of the environment that started or been damaged, such as re-planting (reforestation) on a barren environment, or filtering the water channel and a dirty river.
4. Creating nature reserves and wildlife reserves to protect plants and animals from extinction.
5. Keasrian maintain the environment by not littering.

Column Geography
Garbage or waste has a meaning, something discarded because considered not have value for human benefit. However, due to waste, it does not mean the waste no longer has dayaguna again. Continue to present problems of garbage along with the increasing population and rapid development.

The more widespread use of plastics as wrapping material made problematic waste problem becomes more difficult. Plastic waste tends to be difficult to didegradasiatau dilapukan by nature. As a result of plastic waste will be longer mengotiri environment, this does not include penambahannya every day. Can be imagined if the waste problem can be resolved is not the solution, then the waste would burden the environment and reduce the quality of human life.

One is to overcome the waste recycling or recycling. In this way the garbage that had not seemed worth it, will have a sale value or economic value. Why waste so exciting to be processed, the following are a few reasons.

1. Trash is abundant and readily available
         In each area where we'll almost certainly find the garbage with ease, both in cities and villages. Trash usually accumulate in large numbers in the open field, in place - a garbage dump, and also in pingir road. Trash can be derived from packaging materials, manufactured goods, appliances, newspapers, magazines, and the results of such processing of agricultural land and plantations.

2. Trash can be obtained by free
         Trash can be taken with just - just, or if purchased garbage usually sold at a low price.
3. Trash requires little capital and labor-intensive nature
         Sewage treatment does not require large capital and able meperkerjakan many people, especially in the activities of collection. Therefore garbage can open employment.

Any garbage that allow recycled?
There are various types of waste that can be recycled include:
1. waste paper;
2. plastics;
3. textiles;
4. rubber;
5. glass;
6. household waste and human beings;
7. metal; and
8. aluminum cans.

Waste paper

One of the easy trash we find and easy recycling is a waste of paper. There are several types of paper that need to be known.
1. Writing and printing paper
This type of paper is one of the best quality paper that is thick and has undergone the process of bleaching.
2. Kraft paper
         Paper kraft paper is strong enough and often made big bag (peper bag). Usually kraft paper brown.
3. Paper that has been coated
         This type of paper normally used for color magazine, posters, and leaflets
4. Pasteboard
         Paper cartons are the best kind of thick paper and consists of several layers.
5. Newspaper
         Is the type of paper with a quality not too good and have low power.

Waste paper raw material can come from:
• office - the office;
• printing;
• shops - stores;
• storage facilities;
• factory;
• household and
• landfill.

The process of making recycled paper which does not require a simple machine that can be done by anyone.

Equipment needed
• containers of water such as tub or bucket large diameter
• wooden frame with a layer of smooth Kassa ditengahnya functioning as a template
• large boards for drying

Step work
• Mash or destroy waste paper, then mix into the water hinga shaped pulp (pulp). This process can be facilitated by using the blender.
• Stir the mixture of paper with water and then mixed with starch solution. Besides useful as adhesives, starch solution is to stop seepage of ink to paper recycling can be written. Coloring process can be done at this point.
• Dip the mold vertically into a container which has contained so that the pulp layer formed on the gauze pads.
• Move layers in the printed paper onto a board which has been prepared.
• After the paper a bit dry, the drying process can be continued with the paper hanging on the clothesline with a brace.

Once this process is complete it will be obtained ketas recycling.
With this process the waste paper has a high economic value because recycled paper can be resold at a high enough price. In addition, the most important thing of course, we can help menggurangi amount of trash in our lingkungsn.

Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution is a problem with which we are increasingly important to be completed, because it involves safety, and our lives, siappun can participate in solving environmental pollution problems, including us.
Starting from the smallest environment, ourselves, to the larger environment.
Pernasalahan environmental pollution that we must overcome together including, pollution of groundwater and rivers, percemaran urban air, soil contamination by waste, acid rain, global climate change, ozone layer depletion, radioactive contamination, and so on.
To solve the problem of pollution, the environment is, of course, we must know the sources of pollution, how the contamination occurred, and what steps percemaran settlement itself.

Source Pollution
Percamaran dating from various sources and entered the air, water and soil in kinds of ways.
Air pollution mainly comes from motor vehicles, industry, and the burning of garbage, air percemaran can also come from the activities of Mount Merapi.
Sunagi pollution and groundwater primarily from domiestic activities, industry, and agriculture.
Liquid waste mainly domiestik BOD, COD, and organic substances.
Produce industrial wastewater BOD, COD, organic substances, and other toxic pollution.
Liquid waste from agricultural activities, especially in the form of nitrate and phosphate.

Pollution Processes
Process contamination can occur directly or indirectly.
Ie directly pollutants are directly toxic effect and therefore interfering with human health, animals, and plants or disrupt the ecological balance of good water, air mapun soil, an indirect process, ie some chemicals react in the air, water and land, causing pollution, pollution, there who directly felt the impact, such as an immediate health problems (acute disease), will be felt after a certain period of time (chronic disease).
Actually nature has his own ability to cope with pollution (self recovery).
But the limitations of natural memeliki after that limit is exceeded, then the contamination will be permanent in nature or accumulated and then impact on the human, material, animals, plants and ecosystems

• Analyze the environmental pollution problems in the writing above!
• Write down some keywords from the text above to strengthen analisismu
• Questions must be answered when you are analyzing.

1. What causes environmental pollution?
2. Mentioned factors - factors that may cause environmental pollution? What factors Most environmental pollution?
3. Think, the impact of what would happen if environmental pollution is not stopped and how they affect environmental sustainability teradap.

1. Berdasarakan components, the environment can be grouped into biotic environment and the abiotic environment. But when viewed from the human as the center of study, the environment can be categorized into the natural environment, social environment, and cultural environment.
2. Kualitaas environmental problems are related to population issues.
Population growth is very fast without the accompaniment of less adequate environment will worsen environmental conditions.
3. One prinsif to be held in memamfaatkan and preserving the environment is sustainable development.
4. Sustainable development is development to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations.

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