Life under the sun cannot in discharging from biosphere influence. because in biosphere entire/all life being interact one another. Biosphere in interpreted as unity live fauna and flora on earth. History Geology factor partake to influence flora disseminating variation of and fauna in world. this matter which cause animal under the sun different each other between one area with area which its him animal having the character of its him the animal cannot be met by in other area.
As which we know, flora on earth have immeasurable type. Each every flora type have each life pattern. and so it is with fauna. To type one with other there are certain compatibility and difference with forming one unity of life. unity live spread over fauna and flora is on earth referred as by biosphere.
Biosfes as place of life of fauna and flora represent phenomenon one of the giosfer. if in evaluation meaningly biosphere come from bio word, which is its meaning of sphaira and life which its meaning of environment and coat.
Biosphere in geografi study studied in Biogeografi that is Iesson science studying flora disseminating and fauna geographically. biogeografi differentiated to become plant biogeografi or fitogeografi and animal biogeografi or zoogeografi.
Figure in a flash: Alfred Russel Wallace, Representing inggris ilmuan. born 8 januari 1823 and pass away 2 november 1913. He is a researcher in geografi area, artopologi, and biology. On the way its career of he finding many new history to world. one of them is research about fauna exist in Australian and asia. famous invention is about existence difference of Indonesia fauna part of west, middle Indonesia shares fauna, Indonesia fauna part of east.
Disseminating Flora and fauna is on earth influenced by two factor, that is environmental factor and geology history factor. environmental factor is factor which is very require the happening of flora type variation of and fauna exist in earth. Pursuant to in character, the environmental factor in differentiating to become two, that is is environmental of abiotik environment and biotik.
Abiotik environment represent the condition of physical had by an region. included in abiotik environment and relief, climate, water and land ground. Relief go together morphology (earth bentuk). Relief influence flora disseminating and good fauna of amount and also his type. Relief also influence climate element like dampness of rainfall air and air temperature. existence of civilization of climate element of course will cause the existence of flora disseminating variation of and fauna. Land Ground influence flora disseminating variation of and fauna in its bearing with tekstur
Land ground, land;ground sktruktur, and land;ground type. meanwhile irrigate to represent very element is necessary for life.
Biotik environment also very having an effect on to life of mortal. For example, certain animal type need plant type for the life of. Meanwhile plant
Each every mortal cannot live by xself without other mortal. Each every interaction individual will with other species and individual.
Is an unit
Life being which generally
Selfsupporting and find
Its own food
Population is corps
Individual with species which is
same which is life and
Expand either in a
Certain region
community is a group of
population covering
all kinds of species.
Even though there are
between population
ekosistem is corps some
community along with its
physical environment
biosphere represent corps
from entire/all ekosistem which is
in earth start from
crust till atmosphere
also need the condition of certain abiotik environment so that earning living on. Thereby, environment with certain condition will determine flora type and fauna exist in the region.
geology history factor also partake to influence Variation of flora disseminating and fauna on earth. friction of continent that happened at a period of/to mesozoikum cause the happening of environmental change. At this environmental change akir will influence flora disseminating variation of and fauna on earth. Life being which can adapt with new environment will stay, meanwhile mortal which cannot stay will be annihilate.
as have in explaining, flora disseminating and pattern on earth have different characteristic. Place one life organism form an community referred as habitat. For example pine forest habitat, grassland habitat, or tropical forest habitat. Live characteristic an typical flora with region referred as Bioma, for example forest bioma, grassland bioma, desert bioma, taiga bioma, and tundra bioma.
In general, natural vegetasi growing on earth earn in differentiating to become three type, that is forest, grassland, and desert vegetasi. this three Type vegetasi earn in subdividing to become some subtipe. Forest Vegetasi can be differentiated to the taiga, forest be killed, tropical rain forest, tropical season forest, and mangrove forest. grassland vegetasi earn in differentiating to become temperata grassland and tropical grassland. Desert Vegetasi earn in differentiating to become desert vegetasi and tundra. Existence of vegetasi variation of in this different region because of existence of climate variation.
1. Tropical Forest Rain
tropical Forest Rain very easy in recognizing to pass/through very big growth mass and always become green during the year. distinguished tropical Forest rain Vegetasi with the existence of kanopi (leaf tudung). Plant which is berkanopi generally have height reach 30 m. regional characteristic of tropical rain forest shall be as follows.
a. the sun shines during the year
b. High rainfall and flatten during the year that is [about/around] 200-250 cm / year
c. small annual Temperature Amlitudo relative between 25-30 C
d. Below/Under dark tree tudung all day long, impressing there no different temperature [among/between] nighttime and noon.
tropical Rain forest spread over in middle America region and south. middle Shares African, and most Asian region of south-east. tropical rain forest is Hollow kongo region in African and Hollow Amazon in biggest middle America which still remain on earth. Other mostly spread over in Filifina region, Indonesia, Malaysia, and nugini papua.
2. Tropical Forest Season
Besides tropical rain forest, in trop. there are also tropical season forest. tropical Season forest consist of grove aborting its its at dry season. Season forest spread over many in Indonesia (Middle Java, Java East and north sulawesi) Thiland, India, Combodia, Laos, Vietnam, Australian northside, and middle afrika.
tropical Forest season caracteristic shall be as follows
a. Plant form seasonal formation
b. plant generally hold up with dryness and can adapt at the (time) of drought and also in the rains
c. its leaf dry season scale off, on the contrary at its leaf the rains is close
d. ordinary Species forest in giving name as according to dominant plant species, for example teak;core forest, angsana forest, and pine forest.
3. Forest Be killed
Forest be killed is distinguished forest with plant aborting its leaf at winter. At high accepted sun radiant energy summer enough that way also with presipitasi (rainfall) and dampness. This condition cause high tree grow better. But that way, sunlight admit of to penetrate till to surface of land ground, because land ground dedaunan do not be close so. Before winter, sunshine start to decrease, and air temperature start is downhill. plant start difficult get water so that leaf turn colour to become to squeeze, chocolate, and finally be killed.
At the time of winter, plant do not have leaf. As a result, plant do not conduct photosynthesis. This situation will take place till before springtime. In the early springtime, temperature will mount, snow start to melt, plant start to have leaf return.
Vegetasi exist in this region cover plant like oak, birch, veil, elm, and beech. Disseminating forest area be killed especially cover subtropical region, like United States, Europe West, Asian of East, and Chili.
4. Grassland
Grassland there are almost in all earth owning equation of climate. If in paying attention Vegetasi world disseminating map, unfolding grassland start from trop. to subtropical area.
Climate characteristic in grassland region shall be as follows
a. Rainfall which relative lower, around 25-50 cm / year. Some grassland area, its rainfall can reach 100 cm / year
b. not regular rain fall so that drainage and porosity in the region unfavourable. As a result, flora difficult to get water.
In general, grassland earn in differentiating to the temperata grassland and tropical grassland
a. temperata grassland.
temperata grassland there are in middle transversal region where temperature and rainfall relative lower, in this region only just in meeting high grove. In north America of this grassland is known as by prairie. In America south in knowning as Pampa. In this region generally grassland used as by agriculture area like grist.
Grassland with short grass in mentioning Steppe. Steppe many in finding in Tibet area, part of rusia west, and Mongolia. is in general used as by place pengembalaan of livestock animal.
b. Tropical grassland
tropical grassland located in between region among 5 and 15 transversal and north transversal degree of south. Regional this predominated by high grasss meagrely grove. Regional is known as this savanna found by many in African.
5. Desert ( Desert)
Desert represent a[n area sand and have stone to with condition of dry Climate. In general, desert obtain get rainfall less than 25 cm / year with very extreme air temperature amplitude. In the day time air temperetur very high. at night very low air temperature. dampness of Air in very low desert region also.
In general, plant which is life in desert have small leaf like thorn or leaf do not is at all. desert area spread over from trop. to subtropical area. Generally desert field area abut on grassland. Desert can be met by for example, in north America, West Australian, Asian of west, north afrika, and African south.
6. Taiga
Taiga is a area growed by forest owning leaf like needle. For example Fir-Tree, alder (alnus), birch(belusa), konifer, and spruce tree. Taiga represent bioma which only consist of one tree species.
Taiga spread over [in] subtropical area which have low rainfall to polar area side tundra south. For example Sirberia region, Russia, Skandinavia, Alaska, and Canada. this regional vegetasi have very brief growth period. as a result growth [of] vegetasi take place is tardy.
7. Tundra
Vegetasi Tundra many there are north pole area. especial characteristic of this regional vegetasi is do not there are plant in form of tree. Especial plant exist in this region generally in the form of moss, especially crust moss and spagnum (lichens) and also cretinous bush plant.
At summer that goes on during three months, snow in part of surface melt, while in underside ever froze up me. At mass this is vegetasi in this region will experience of growth.
Pursuant to the description seen under flora disseminating on earth very in influencing by climate disseminating and temperature. Relation/Link among rainfall temperature boundary influencing flora type exist in certain region.
8. Forest Mangrove
Other Type Vegetasi which also spread over quite a lot on earth is mangrove forest vegetasi.
Mangrove forest many there are around coastal region, especially bog region in African part of west, South-East Asia, and Australian. Type Plant in slimmer mangrove forest in comparing plant in tropical forest. one of the dominant plant type is mangrove plant. This plant represent tropical plant and always become green and reach ketingian 15 m. mangrove plant earn in finding in ebb region.
most plant in mangrove forest have height which is much the same to, so that do not there are coat like at tropical rain forest. This flora grow considerably meeting unionize very solid. Thereby, only a few once sunlight which can reach mangrove forest base.
Mangrove plant have special characteristic which enable this plant of life and adapt to its environment. this Crop environment generally have salt rate which high enough, is always suffused, and less land;ground of oxygen.
Some mangrove type plant can [release] excess of salt through leaf. other type of excess of salt at leaf which have is old, so that at the (time) of this leaf be killed excess of salt also will thrown.
To take oxygen, mangrove plant provided with root hang. Plant mangrove root appear on surface so that facilitating it to take oxygen.
Its Root system also cause mangrove plant can patch powerfully at Mud, thereby this plant can stay at the (time) of high tide.
Surface of Earth consist of ocean and continent. condition of regional physical of continent influenced by interaction between lithosphere elements, hidrosfer, atmosphere, and biosphere. existence of the interaction can push and earn also pursue fauna disseminating.
In general, fauna spread over limitedly. there are element owning energy support to enable fauna expand better in certain area. On the contrary, if there are element pursuing, by degrees fauna exist in that area will be totally disappeared.
Regional Disseminating Fauna of Continent
By special, fauna on earth in to becoming some Australian region, Oriental, Neartik, Paleartik, Neotropik, and Ethiopian
a. Australian Fauna
Disseminating to cover Australian region, New Selandia, Papua, Moluccas, and vinicity islands. Specific animal in this area is animal have poke (kanghuru marsupial) sample, kiwi, and birds of parade. Other animal which there are in this area for example tortoise, crocodile, frog, armadillo, koala bear, mouse, bat, kasuai bird, and porcupine eater of ant.
b. Oriental Fauna
Disseminating to cover Asian region of south-east and south and also vinicity island. Various mammal type there are in this region. horny And rhinoceros tiger one in the form of specific animal in this region. other animal in finding also in this region for example Elephant, ape, monkey, tapir, antelope , venison, and deer pig.
c. Fauna Neartik
Its his/its cover north America region and Greenland. Specific Animal in this area is turkey chicken, other animal for example Bison, muskox, caribou, and mount goat.
d. Paleartik fauna
Its his/its cover Eruasia region start from north pole till mountain of himalaya, start from English till to japan. Fauna type in this area vary because condition of nature which also vary. specific Fauna type which found by in this region is bison, cat, polar and muskrat. Other animal also in finding [in] this region for example reindeer, wild ass, marcopolo goat, kutup bear and porcupine.
e. Neotropik fauna
Disseminating to cover Mexico South region, Middle America, and South America. Type Fauna spepifik which is in finding in this region is Armadillo, other fauna which also can be found by in this region is venison, pig, antelope, horse, red nose monkey and tapir.
f. Fauna Ethiopia
Its his/its cover African region side south, Sahara desert, managaskar, and Jazirah south arab. typical Fauna type in this region is zebra, okapi, antelope giraffe, afrika rhinoceros and camel. Besides there are also various monkey type like gorilla, lemur, babon, and sipanse. Fauna type which is much the same to with oriental fauna like lion, elephant, and camel earn also in finding in this region.
Disseminating Fauna In Region Territorial water
Biosphere as place of life on earth not merely residing in continent, but also in territorial water. Life in territorial water differentiated to become freshwater habitat and sea water habitat.
Freshwater habitat
Habitat Freshwater represent life which is there are in territorial water of freshwater. Freshwater habitat in the form of river, lake, and marsh of[is including also dam out. fascistly biologis and, freshwater habitat represent continent habitat medium and sea habitat. As long as evolution history, there are natural organism of transfer between life of sea water, brackish water and freshwater. And so do on the contrary. For example salmon fish. Pursuant to current, freshwater habitat earn in differentiating to become calm water habitat (water habitat and lentik) emit a stream of (lontik). And marsh lake earn in classifying as calm water habitat. River of is including water habitat emit a stream.
How much/many flora type which is life in freshwater for example lotus, thyroid eceng, and algae. as for fauna which is life in freshwater in the form of fish, ambifi, and reptilian.
in general, life of good freshwater organism of fauna and also and flora, earn in differentiating to become five type that is.
1. Plankton: consist of plant plankton (animal plankton and fitoplankton) ( plangton zooplankton) represent passive peripatetic mortal ( plankton movement is always influenced by water current.
2. Nekton: active peripatetic organism type (swimming) for example water insect and fish
3. Organism Neston: type resting and floating on the surface of irrigate
4. Bentos: organism type which is life in territorial water base
5. Perifiton: coherent organism type at one particular substar (bar, root, and stoney) in territorial water.
Water sea habitat
1) division of region territorial water of sea water
territorial water go out to sea very wide of, that is about two-third wide of earth. Habitat sea water characteristic differentiating with freshwater is its salt rate. difference of this Rate salt cause the existence of difference of flora characteristic and fauna which is life in water go out to sea with life in freshwater. higher Salt sea water rate cause low level fauna and flora cannot live in sea water habitat. Besides, water habitat go out to sea nor influenced by weather climate. In general, water habitat go out to sea in differentiating pursuant to condition of fascist and his/its dweller and also pursuant to light itentitas which still can penetrate the the territorial water.
• pursuant to condition of fascist and his dweller, in general sea water habitat can be differentiated to become litorial area, neritik area, batial area, and abisal area. Litorial area (ebb area), is direct area abut on land. Temperature variation of and this regional sanilitas have very compared to big influence of other sea area. Sea Biota (fauna and flora) which is life for example algae which live as bentos, starfish tripang, prawn, sea worm, and sea snail.
• Neritik area, representing shallow Sea area with deepness around 200 metre. this area still can in translucent until its. Sea Biota (fauna and flora) which is life for example plankton, nekton, neston, and bentos.
• Bital area (dark area), representing area go out to sea with deepness between 200-2000 metre. Regional this, sunlight cannot penetrate to territorial water base, so that go out to sea to become is dark. As a result, this region do not in finding producer (sea plant). Animal which is life in this region generally in the form of nekton.
Abisal area, sea area which is its deepness more than 2000 m. this area is dark as long as mass. regional this next to nothing life.
pursuant to light intensity, what still can penetrate territorial water, sea water habitat differentiated to become 3 shares following.
o Region Fotik, sea area which still is translucent of maximum Deepness sun of this region is 200 metre
o Regional of Twilight, representing area a few/little is dark (there's only a few/little sunlight which can penetrate in this region). This region is not effective for the activity of regional deepness photosynthesis of twilihght among 200-2000 metre.
o Regional of afotik, representing region which is not translucent sun. Regional this dark as long as mass. Regional deepness of afotik more than 2000 metre.
2) Rock Terumbu
Terumbu compose is a group of organism owning resistensi to waving sea. Terumbu compose especially live in clear territorial water between transversal 25 north transversal degree and 25 transversal degree of south.
Terumbu compose is in the begining formed of by sea organism pickings accumulation. Part of hard rock become structure base grow rock. Red algae partake to have contribution in forming of rock terumbu. Calcium sediment and carbonate magnesium strengthen gangang cell wall.
squeeze this, sekresi pickings from other organism partake to strengthen rock trumbu structure.
Rock Terumbu earn in finding Australian territorial water, Asia South-East, Hawai, archipelago of Galapagos, The Strait of Florida, Bay Panama, and Kenya, biggest rock terumbu finding in Australian area, what is in mentioning Barier reef great.
Rock Terumbu represent immeasurable habitat to is immeasurable of oeganisme type. But that way, these days many natural rock terumbu of damage, either by perubaan of climate, natural disaster, and also effect of is act of human being.
Global warm-up improve sea water temperature.
Make-Up of sea water temperature cause death of rock terumbu. damage of biggest rock terumbu because of human being. Actifity human being like dynamite mengunakan fish arrest or cyanide, turumbu commerce compose for the decoration of aquarium, or scarce fish species commerce become cause damage of rock terumbu.
Indonesia as Archipelagic country, by giologi represent meeting two earth husk plate that is plate (sunda paparan) or Eruasia plate and plate (shaul paparan) or pasifik plate. At glacial epoch (ice age), both of this plate represent an plate consisting with Australian and asia. interest with mass gegologi history then, yielding life variety various flora type and fauna in Indonesia by biogeografis very complex and typically.
The happening of flora variety and fauna in Indonesia besides because of geology history is also influenced by things following.
different climate like air tempratur, dampness and rainfall.
difference of situation land ground like, tekstur, mineral (hara element), ground water, and air content in land ground
situation relief surface of earth
biotik component like human being partake to alter to unfold nature.
Disseminating Flora In Indonesia
Pursuant to above mentioned factors influence, hence flora disseminating in Indonesia earn in elaborating pursuant to giologi factor and factor height of place at earth.
Based upon the history giologi, flora disseminating in Indonesia can be differentiated to the sunda presentation flora, shaul presentation flora, and switchover flora
1. Flora Presentation Sunda, Referred As Also As Flora Asiatis
Area Disseminating asiatis flora cover Sumatra island region, java, Kalimantan, and isles around him. asiatis flora in differentiating as to the various type following
a. Sumatra flora
Sumatra flora by successively start from east coast in the form of mangrove forest, peat forest, and freshwater bog forest. As for middle shares and west in the form of tropical rain.
Typical flora of Sumatra among others
Kamper tree, biggest in Nangroe Acheh Darusalam area and north Sumatra
Flower Raffes, spread over in Sumatra south area and bengkulu
b. Flora Java And Kalimantan
Characteristic Island Kalimantan and java in describe as by Flora from coastal direction to middle shares do not be different far with Sumatra flora that is in the form of mangrove forest, peat forest and tropical rain forest. Typical flora of Kalimantan and java among others as follows.
Teak Core, spread over in west java area, east java, and middle java
Tenggaring, rambutan type crop which sour likely and do not as sweet as rambutan, this plant spread over almost there is in all Kalimantan
Kasturi, crop of a kind mango which its fruit of beloved and emotion, spread over in Kalimantan south, and some other area
2. Flora Presentation Shaul, referred as also as Flora Australis
disseminating area to cover papua island and isles around him. Australis flora consist of various wood type, ligneous of iron, fir-tree, black canary, merbau land and coastal merbau, besides there are also pinnata pometia type (matoa) owning high Varibilitas gegitika, sago tree, nippa, and coastal area mangrovedi forest.
3. Switchover flora
its area cover sulewesi island, bali, and south-east nusa (including timor-timor). Flora in sulewesi have looking like with dry area flora in filipina. Flora exist in low continent and coast more loo like with flora in papua. As for flora in mountain loo like with flora in Kalimantan.
Typical Flora of black ligneous switchover area among others (eboni), rima kayi, sandalwood, and orchid.
pursuant to height of place (Indonesia flora disseminating relief) tend to flora variation of menunjukan from base atop which is similar to such as those which see by conducting journey to north pole or toward antartic from Ekuator direction. existence of the variation of in causing by existence of temperature variation of and rainfall.
Disseminating Fauna In Indonesia
Indonesia represent Archipelagic country which is located in between two big biogeografi area, that is among oriental biogeografi with Australian biogeografi. Because that's, fauna disseminating in Indonesia in differentiating to become three type that is Indonesia fauna part of west, east schema fauna area, and middle shares fauna area
1. fauna area part of west.
disseminating area to cover Sumatra island, Kalimantan and java, and islands around him. Fauna Indonesia part of west pertained oriental fauna type. Some Indonesia fauna type part of west shall be as follows.
o Elephant, there are [in] Sumatra loo like elephant [in] India
o Tiger, there are [in] Sumatra area, java, madura, and Bali
o Bear there are [in] Sumatra and bali
o Orang-Utan, there are [in] Kalimantan
o Bull, there are [in] Java, Sumatra , and Kalimantan
o Tapir there are [in] Sumatra and Kalimantan
o Horny Rhinoceros one, there are [in] Sumatra and java
Among Indonesia fauna area part of west in the middle of in limiting by Wallace line.
2. Indonesia fauna area part of east
His area cover papua island and islands around Indonesia fauna him part of east pertained Australian flora type. some fauna type which is the including Indonesia fauna part of east for example as follows.
• mouse have Poke to and fox have poke, there are in my shame of papua and east.
• Birds of parade, there are in and papua archipelago of aru.
• Cassowary, there are in papua, archipelago of aru, and horrible island.
• cockatoo bird, there are in papua.
• Tree Kanghuru there are in papua.
Among Indonesia fauna part of east and middle limited by Weber line.
3. middle Faun Indonesia shares area
His area cover sulewesi island, my ashamed archipelago, sumba, sumbawa, paprika, and timor. Regional this have typical fauna (especially in komodo island and sulewesi island) so-called endemic fauna, which there are in this region shall be as follows
• Komodo, there are [in] komodo island.
• Maleo bird, there are [in] and sulewesi archipelago of sangihe.
• Deer pig, (of a kind pig owning tortous and long eye-tooth) there are [in] my shame and sulewesi of west.
• And anoa polecat there are [in] sulewesi
middle Fauna shares area recognized with Wallace area
Growth of Resident which quickly result and improvement penelusuran of requirement various resource like, food, clothing, and other requirement. effort accomplishment of the requirement can in start development process with natural resources exploitation. Therefore natural resources exploiting and environment become intensive progressively and ekstensif.
Intensive environmental and natural exploiting at the same time do not in control can bother environmental balance. As a result will happened various environmental crisis. One of the indicator showing the existence of environmental crisis that is downhill and decreasing it flora population and fauna.
As for natural resources exploiting and environment by ekssentif like deforestation for the area of setlement, agriculture areal, even for the area of is industrial, can result decreasing it wide of a[n habitat. Besides, environmental and natural energy sumbar exploiting by eksentif also cause environmental or natural damage which in ekspotasi. wide of Reduction habitat live fauna and flora can cause the happening of destruction certain fauna and flora.
This condition in making worse again with use of modern technology in course of development. At the same time with progress of industrial development and development, happened of environmental change manifestly. That change not rarely bring negativity effect causing the happening of damage of it him contamination (water, land ground, air) and also destruction to fauna and flora (can be caused by use of abundant pesticide).
In order not to happened environmental damage , hence compatibility, compatibility , balance , and environmental continuity require to be looked after. if possible, quality of environment even have to in improving so that energy support environment to life on earth earn in enjoying by generation hereinafter. Various effort which is in continuing to look after natural preservation for example is.
1. applying of natural Code/Law protection of Year No.5 1967. Invitor - the invitor contain, " Asylum nature forest including forest area peculiarly in constructing and in looking after for the garden of garden and wisata hunt.
2. applying of Code/Law protection to wild animal and scarce animal. the effort in [pass/through] conference by opening area in the form of protected forest in the form of animals life, national park and preserve. Entire/All plant and animal exist in the regions protected. Conference which is in conducting to protect wild animal and scarce animal shall be as follows.
o Protected forest, representing an area which aim to protect to arrange land ground and water at the area and its surroundings.
o Preserve, representing area to protect animal, plant, historic place, and beauty. Some preserve exist in Indonesia is, sibolangit preserve in north Sumatra, rafflesia preserve in bengkulu, island preserve two in west jawa, and insensitive preserve of jowo in east java.
o Game preserve, representing an nature asylum which aim to to take care of the continuity of certain type fauna life in order not to be totally disappeared. some game preserve exist in Indonesia for example as follows.
Animal Mount lauser asylum in Nanggroe Acheh Darusalam, in place this there are elephant, tapir, and tiger
Game preserve Island Komodo in Nusa South-East
o National park, representing inwrought management system, which cover, protection, pickling, continuation of, and resource exploiting involve which is there are in it. National park differentiated to become four region following.
o Region of[is core of (zone sanctuary). regional this in form of game preserve and preserve to protect fauna and flora in it from destruction.
o Regional of jungle (zone wilderness) regional this function to protect region in it. Development region (zone development) regional this function to the continuation of and resource exploiting in it.
o Prop region (zone baffer) functioning for the development of damage pressure reduction and from region outside.
3. konserfasi area development that is by using konserfasi area as research place, wisata place and education. But that way, in its development don't oppose against target the core important that is preserve and also protect fauna and flora from destruction.
4. Continuation of outside conservation area. the effort pass some ways following.
o Repair of condition of forest environment
o Preventing theft of wild hewing and wood
o preventing regional damage of territorial water
o Protecting fry from trouble / arrest
5. applying of Code/Law no 4 year 1894 about fundamental rule of management of environment. in the rule also in arranging development which is with vision of environment.
o Biosphere represent corps entire/all ekosistem exist in earth
o flora disseminating and fauna on earth very influenced by biotic factor, abiotik as well as giologi history, situation of land ground (tekstur, structure, mineral, water, land ground) and situation of Indonesia relief . biotic factor in the form of human being, plant, and animal. Abiotik factor in the form of climate, land ground, and water.
o earth flora in general in differentiating to the forest vegetasi, grassland, desert vegetasi, taiga, and tundra, as for fauna is on earth differentiated to the Australian fauna, oriental, Neartik, Paleartik, Neotropik, and Ethiopian.
o Life of territorial water in differentiating to the freshwater habitat and sea water habitat. In general life of good freshwater organism of fauna and also flora, consist of plankton, nekton, neston, perifiton and bentos.
o life of water habitat go out to sea according to condition of fascist consist of litoral area, neritik, abisal and bital. If in evaluation from sun light intensity differentiated to become fotik area, twilight, and afotik.
o Flora Indonesia in differentiating to the sunda presentation flora, shaul presentation flora, and switchover flora. [Among/Between] each flora region in limiting by Wallace line and Weber line.
o Fauna Indonesia influenced by oriental biography and Australian biography area. In consequence, Indonesia region divided to the fauna part of west, part of east, and fauna part of switchover.
o Environmental damage affect at destruction of fauna and flora. therefore environmental continuity have to in taking care of and in looking after. Human being as environmental organizer have to act wisdom. To avoid destruction of fauna and flora have been [done/conducted] by some effort. Some its of applying of code/law about natural protection and about management of environment. Besides, government also publish PERPU about fauna and flora protected.
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